

Empower your sales teams with the strength of AI for an optimal pricing strategy.

Pricing is crucial to the success of your business. With PriceCypher you can leverage AI-driven customer insights and drive effective pricing management, value recovery and growth opportunities.

Why PriceCypher?

What is PriceCypher?

Unlocking value

PriceCypher success stories

Pricing in today’s complex landscapes

Across industries and value chains, organizations are grappling with challenges around top and bottom like growth; be it issues with retaining or capturing market share, surpassing raw-material volatilities or commercializing zero-waste technologies. Pricing can serve as a powerful lever to help companies gain and maintain competitive edge, recovery value and grow sustainably.

Gartner estimates that the market for B2B price optimization and management (PO&M) software plus related services grew by 9% in 2020 to $542 million. At least 10,000 B2B companies globally are said to be able to benefit from a PO&M deployment. As software and implementation costs fall, the market will expand.

Your organization may seek to configure complex products and services, price them accurately, and generate quotes for customers in real time, while taking account of customer types, complex configurations, costs, competitive prices, and geography, together with their business priorities. This is where our PriceCypher solution can be of great value. In today’s turbulent economic environment, agility and precision in pricing can make the difference for companies, especially as the market deals with inflation.

Download our Advanced Pricing Tactics > for combatting inflation.

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